Movies directed by Andrew Niccol

Anon Poster Anon

You don’t have to look too far or to deep to find the similarities among writer/director Andrew Niccol’s three science fiction films (I’m ignoring The Host, which is more Stephanie Meyer than Niccol). Like Gattaca and In Time, Anon boas...

Gattaca Poster Gattaca

Welcome to the 21st Century, an era when things aren't that much different, but people are. No longer is standard procreation the accepted way to reproduce. Consider all of the birth defects that such an approach can bring about. And, while ...

Good Kill Poster Good Kill

When the usage of drones (officially "unmanned combat aerial vehicles") for bombing and surveillance entered the national conversation during the latter years of the last century, the general reaction was positive. The argument was that, by...

Host, The Poster Host, The

Sometimes with a movie like The Host, it's tough to determine whether the fatal flaws lie in the source material or the adaptation. Considering that the author of the source material is Stephenie Meyer, who singlehandedly defanged vampires and decl...

In Time Poster In Time

Andrew Niccol is fascinated by the impact of futuristic technologies on society. His gripping feature debut, 1997's Gattaca, explored a civilization in which genetic tinkering rendered natural reproduction obsolete. With In Time, he is again looki...
